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CoE491 Smart Convergence
  • WriterAdministrator
  • Created2022/09/13 16:50
  • Views241

■ Course Overview
- Interdisciplinary course(Technology + Humanities & Social Science)
- Learning new technical trends through problem-solving
- Hands-on tutorials and exercises on Big Data & AI
- No exams, No one-way lecture, Team projects, Feal-world problems, Discussion, In-class activities
■ Course Logistics
- 3 Units, S/U, Satisfy both UG/G requirements
- Open to all majors, No prerequisites
- Tuesday 4:00 ~ 7:00 PM
- ‘STAR Creative Interdisciplinary Award’ given to the best Team
- Recognized as ‘major credit’ for ‘Individually designed major’, Other majors TBD